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Facilitator: Participant 1, how do you think your parents would respond to the policy? Participant 1: They wouldn’t listen. They would tell me, “Call the police! Call the embassy!” They will tell me, “Call all…

Facilitator: What are some things we would ask ourselves when making suggestions [to a friend who has been sexually assaulted]? What would we need to think about before giving advice? Participant 1: Did you give…

Participant 1: But what kind of sexual assault is here? Facilitator: If anyone tries to touch your friend, like, that is a problem. Participant 1: I mean like, come on guys. We are all from…

Participant 1: Yeah, don’t wash afterwards. Participant 2: Yeah, ’cause the DNA is still on you. Participant 3: Like, if something happened to your friend, you should ask if they showered. […] Participant 1: If…

Facilitator: Also, do you guys feel like it should be mandatory for the offender to go to a number of counselling sessions along with action being taken for it? Participant 1: Mhm. Participant 2: Yeah,…

[When supporting a survivor], I would say try to be less formal – be informal! Like, act as if you care and are not just asking me because you have to […]. And don’t come…

Facilitator: Do you think that you would visit a counsellor’s office to ask for help if something like this happened? Participant 1: Here? Facilitator: Yeah. Participant 1: I’ve never been there, but honestly, no. Participant…

Participant 1: So, question: Who are the people who work in there? Do they work for the school? Facilitator: Yeah. Participant1: What if they go talking to their friend and say, “oh, I have this…

I don’t think on a general scale that [the policy is] very accessible until there is an issue that relates to sexual violence on campus.

Although it can be triggering, I think it is important that this information is introduced to students from early on, especially those who want to live on campus, and those who are off campus as…

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